Register Here ~

My blogging journey of storytelling has been extremely rewarding both personally and professionally. As a result it makes me want to give back to each of you in some kind of way. Hopefully, you will find a webinar which interest you. Since I value you dearly as one of my readers I am offering a 42% discount to those of you who register by Saturday, September 28th. Just comment below with your email address or email me directly at [email protected]. Check back often because I plan to offer some more webinars of a different scope between now and 2014. Enjoy you day!

Keystrokes By Kimberly
Keystrokes By Kimberly

The Hoopla of Blogging :: Blogging Know How

Yes, there is HOOPLA to blogging! Everyone is talking about it, doing it or trying their hand at it. The fact is “it” is not new. Blogging has been on deck for about eight to ten years depending on who you ask. So, why is everyone just now talking about it? Who knows! However, we are here to walk you through the art of blogging and show you how it is SO much more than an online diary. This eleven session webinar will take you through the hoopla of it all. $30 per session or $275 for all ten session if paid in advance. {Value $330}

Branding Your Blog & You :: Yes, Image Is Everything

Let’s talk Brand and Branding. Yes, you’ve heard it: you are your brand and your brand is you…However, do you truly understand it beyond the buzz word definition? Join us for this six session webinar series as we cover everything branding for your blog. It is SO important to know and embrace. We are offering six session series for $250 if paid in advance or $50 per session. {Value $300}

The How To of The PR for Your Blog :: Share Your Story Often

Let’s face it, blogging and writing is story telling. So now let me ask you… Are you sharing your own story or just everyone else’s? Let us coach you through sharing and telling your BEAUTIFUL blog’s story through The Art of PR for Your Blog. This webinar series is very specific and informative. Simply stated it is DYNAMIC, if we do say so ourselves. Packaged perfectly this is six two-hour sessions. You can take individual sessions at $60 per session or all six at a special rate of $300 if paid in advance. {Valued at $360}

Passions Pays :: Let’s Monetize Your Blog

Yes, following your passion can and will pay you if you do some essential things. Let us show you how to position yourself for profits. Our webinar series Passions Pays consists of eight 90 minute sessions. Purchase one at the rate of $50 or all eight for $325 if paid in advance. {Valued at $400}

One Love :: One On One Coaching

We have a passion for purpose and helping people. Some people just learn better in a one-on-one environment. We embrace you and your learning styles. We offer one-one-one blog coaching via Skype, Personal Webinar or In-Person. The choice is yours and, YES, you can mix it up! Each session is customized for you and does include Synergy Sheets of information as well as homework before and after each session. Sessions start at $75 for two hours. There is a special package rate available for two or more sessions.


About Author

Keystrokes By Kimberly is a synergy lifestyle blog which focuses on how to live a positive lifestyle. We cover every aspect of living a positive life from health, events, wealth, happiness, entertainment, travel and then some.

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