This story just tore me up inside. I had planned to run another but God story today however this one bumped that one immediately after I read it. Yesterday CCN shared a story titled Boy asks Santa to make kids stop bullying his sister written by Jareen Imam. Here is the link so you can read it yourself ~

Ryan & Amber ~ CNN Story | Photo Credit CNN
Ryan & Amber ~ CNN Story | Photo Credit CNN

Well, long story short Ryan and Amber featured above are twins. This year for the first time ever they happen to be in the same class. Eight year old Ryan wrote a letter to Santa after seeing first hand his sister being constantly bullied at school. The story goes on to share how Amber is being bullied at school and on the school bus because of her weight. The letter above reads…

Dear Santa...
Dear Santa…

“Dear Santa … I wanted a (remote control) car and helicopter, but I don’t want that anymore. Kid at school are still picking on Amber and its not fair,” he wrote. “I prayed that they will stop but god is bisy and needs your help.”

So what do you do when your child or any child experiences the following?
1) Being Bullied
2) That God is too busy for their prayer request

Well, it personally makes me wanna holler. It is a sad day when we cannot put an end to bullying in an educational environment and before you say it is easier said than done I want to respectfully stop you and say no it is not. I taught for two years in North Carolina and the school system I was in shut it down quickly we ever it was brought to their attention. As teachers we were not allowed tolerate it nor did we desire too. Even here in Atlanta and other school system nationwide I commend the teachers, school administrators, parents and community who take a stand against bullying. Yes, it is an old problem. Probably as old as street walkers however it needs to be stopped and we can stop it. How you ask? Well, below are my suggestions for getting started.

Bullied Movie
Bullied Movie

1) Every school needs to show the movie Bully by Lee Hirsch. Bully is a 2011 documentary film about bullying in U.S. schools. Directed by Lee Hirsch, the film follows the lives of five students who face bullying on a daily basis. Bully premiered at the 2011 Tribeca Film Festival. It was released on April 12, 2012 and has been shown at many movie houses independently throughout the US. It was released on DVD February 12, 2013. If you child’s school will not join forces and show it then get together with some other parents and have a showing at your local theatre though Tugg is at no cost to you and they are wonderful. If Tugg is not an option rent or buy the DVD or watch it on Netflix but whatever you do WATCH BULLY as a family and encourage the conversation that needs to be had.

2) Have a bully check up with your child. Ask them who the bullies are in their school then persistently address the bully through the school administrators either discreetly or openly. Chances are “the bully” is going through something the school needs to be made aware of.

3) Protect your children. All children for that matter. Does your child know of a child being bullied? The answer is probably yes and I encourage you to address it properly as you would want it address if it was your child.
Bullying has to be addressed. I have been bullied as a child and even as an adult. Let’s stop the madness now. If you need help through this journey please email me {[email protected]} and I promise to do what I can to assist.


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Keystrokes By Kimberly is a synergy lifestyle blog which focuses on how to live a positive lifestyle. We cover every aspect of living a positive life from health, events, wealth, happiness, entertainment, travel and then some.

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