Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 RESULTS
Home Life Relationships Spirituality

but God Series :: A Moment By Michelle Garrett

I can vividly remember the moment when I felt I was broken – mentally, spiritually and emotionally. August 9, 2001. Austin, Texas. Well over 100 degrees with the heat index. I was finally driving home from the hospital with my five-day old son. It had been an emotional and draining week. He was born almost …

Business Culture Education Inspo Relationships Spirituality

but God Series :: Being Uncommon Is All That I Know…

Life is SO funny and I thank goodness for my gift of being uncommon. Uncommon is a gift which comes naturally for me! Through all of life’s good times and bad times I have remained uncommon which has completely been for my better. Not always my best but my better. Everyone has their dresses to …

Business Culture Education Home Life Relationships

but God Series :: Make Them Stop Bullying My Sister…PLEASE

This story just tore me up inside. I had planned to run another but God story today however this one bumped that one immediately after I read it. Yesterday CCN shared a story titled Boy asks Santa to make kids stop bullying his sister written by Jareen Imam. Here is the link so you can …

Business Culture Education Home Life Relationships Spirituality

but God Series:: My Remembrance of September 11, 2001

I want to say THANK YOU to all the service men and women who helped protect us on September 11, 2001 and every day afterward. You are valued and appreciated beyond measure. THANK YOU to each citizen who responded from wherever they were. You too are appreciated. I clearly remember “that” day. I was living …