I want to say THANK YOU to all the service men and women who helped protect us on September 11, 2001 and every day afterward. You are valued and appreciated beyond measure. THANK YOU to each citizen who responded from wherever they were. You too are appreciated. I clearly remember “that” day. I was living in Greensboro NC which is home to a few of the largest gas tanks in the US. Rumor has it we were number five on the list of attacks. I will NEVER forget “that” feeling of fear, how other countries celebrate the attack on us or how it redefined unity here in the US.

Now I do not believe in walking or living in fear. I just do not give fear that much control over my life. As a result of September 11th, 2001 I fear NOTHING. That was the BIGGEST lesson of tragedy for me that day. With that being said this date, September 11th or 9/11 or 911, brings a certain amount of “alert awareness” to my life. I vividly remember my 911 story and where I was as generations before me can recall exactly where they were and what they were doing when Martin Luther King Jr. died or when John F. Kennedy died. Certain life events you just never forget. You move on, yet never forget.
September 11, 2001 was also the day I walked out of Verizon Wireless and corporate America, became self-employed and NEVER looked back. Long story short when I told my “boss”, Jennifer, I was leaving to go get my son she said NO. Of course she was young, no children etc… So I grabbed a copy box, cleared my office and told everyone to have a nice day. Life was clearly redefined for me that day. I was a single mother of a young child and we were living in Greensboro NC with no family. Yes, we had and still have an abundance of friends in Greensboro however IF Tuesday, September 11, 2001 was going to be my final day then it was going to be spent sharing priceless time with Jon.

The story of you quitting your job is so powerful! I can’t believe she said no! I wish it was the first time I’ve heard something like this but corporate America can be testy. I’m so glad you’re doing better and you seem happy!
September 11 is a day I will never forget. The first responders were amazing and their efforts will never be forgotten.
Yes ma’am! She did and I said see you later. Thanks. It has been a journey however I am happy.