Yay…back on track and rocking it out! I started out strong with this challenge…at least planning wise. I was planning, preparing and doing it. Then I got a little side tracked by Blogalicious (Oct. 3rd to 5th) and an email glitch (Oct.5th to 9th) from Young and Raw however my body was amazingly missing it. …
Remember Courageous Christy Tucker Sims Needs Us! STOP DOMESTIC VIOLENCE…
Christy Tucker Sims still needs our support, LOVE and donations. I know we have not forgotten about her because her personality and warm spirit makes her simply unforgettable. Well, if you have some 80’s style in your blood come out and party with a purpose. Friends of our Courageous Christy are hosting a party in …
but God Series :: Being Uncommon Is All That I Know…
Life is SO funny and I thank goodness for my gift of being uncommon. Uncommon is a gift which comes naturally for me! Through all of life’s good times and bad times I have remained uncommon which has completely been for my better. Not always my best but my better. Everyone has their dresses to …
Day One Of The Young & Raw Green Smootie Challenge Was A Success!
Yay!!!! Shouts out to Nicole English for bringing this into my life! Day one was a success for me. Onward… Here is what they emailed me late last night. Hi!, Welcome to Day 1 of the Young and Raw 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge I am so excited you’ve joined us, and so is …
My Blogalicious Goals For 2013!
Blogalicious here I come! I am SO excited to be attending MY very first Blogalicious. Yay, me. When I first heard of Blogalicious in 2011 via Twitter I added it on to my bucket list. Yes, I said bucket list!!!! I was not blogging at the time however I wanted to attend as brand. Little …
We Present More Webinars By Keystrokes By Kimberly & JonAshton PR!
Register Here ~ https://www.eventbrite.com/org/3713392053?s=17339897 My blogging journey of storytelling has been extremely rewarding both personally and professionally. As a result it makes me want to give back to each of you in some kind of way. Hopefully, you will find a webinar which interest you. Since I value you dearly as one of my readers …
but God Series :: Make Them Stop Bullying My Sister…PLEASE
This story just tore me up inside. I had planned to run another but God story today however this one bumped that one immediately after I read it. Yesterday CCN shared a story titled Boy asks Santa to make kids stop bullying his sister written by Jareen Imam. Here is the link so you can …
but God Series:: My Remembrance of September 11, 2001
I want to say THANK YOU to all the service men and women who helped protect us on September 11, 2001 and every day afterward. You are valued and appreciated beyond measure. THANK YOU to each citizen who responded from wherever they were. You too are appreciated. I clearly remember “that” day. I was living …
{CONTEST} About Face Skin Place $100 Gift Certificate!
Keystrokes by Kimberly and About Face Skin Place have join together to do a GIVEAWAY of a $100 gift certificate! About Face Skin Place is new to Atlanta and looking to build their clientele. Atlanta let’s embrace them! About Face Skin Place is located in prestigious Midtown neighborhood of Ansley Park which is just minutes …
Twelve Things About Kimberly of Keystrokes By Kimberly
I have been encouraged and challenged by a few fellow bloggers to share twelve {since I was born on the twelfth day} things about myself which my readers may not know. Thinking out side the box I will go ahead and state in this section that I love my family, friends and work that I …