I have been encouraged and challenged by a few fellow bloggers to share twelve {since I was born on the twelfth day} things about myself which my readers may not know. Thinking out side the box I will go ahead and state in this section that I love my family, friends and work that I choose. Well, here it goes…
1. I absolutely LOVE riding the open road whether on a motor cycle, bike, car or even a big rig. Lol… Give me a ride on the open road and I am TOTALLY HAPPY! It just clears my mind and renews my spirit.
2. I really do not like Social Media at all. Lol.. Seriously! Yes, I know its purpose and how helpful it can be in today’s society whether personal or professional however I feel as though it does more harm than good and I do not like how some people use it to become Social Media Bullies.
3. My dream is to become a bi coastal resident. I want to live for six months on the West Coast and six months on the East Coast. Ideally that would break down into three months in Los Angeles CA, three months in Scottsdale AZ, three months in Miami FL and three months in Atlanta GA. 😉

4. I have only been in love three times throughout my 40+ years of life. Two of those loves were my soul mate and I would not trade the experience(s) of loving each of those three men for all the tea in China. After all they say “It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all…” That statement right there is more than a mouthful. Love has been very unkind however I do still believe in LOVE and know that MY Knight In Shining Amour will find me again.

5. I LOVE ice cream beyond belief! Ice cream is EVERYTHING to me and the BEST things that ever happen to ice cream is when they came out with German Chocolate and Red Velvet. A gentleman who takes me out for an ice cream date is EVERYTHING! Lol… 🙂

6. I am still the same height and shoe size that I was in seventh grade. 5’1 and size 6 ½. Lol

7. It is the little things which make me smile. #KTS ~ Keep Things Simple As a society we often make things SO complicated.
8. I love to travel and right now my top five destinations are Hawaii, Dubai, New Zealand, Barbados and Asia! Who wants to come with?
9. If I could have a dinner party with twelve people in the world they would be my son, my future husband, President Obama, First Lady Obama, Ellen, Tyler Perry, Hill Harper, Oprah, Kerry Washington, Will Smith, Sara Blakely and George Clooney.
10. I am a cancer and stroke survivor.
11. I had my life planned out since I was fourteen and nothings has gone according to plan A, B, C, D, or E. Lol
12. I am not a religious person however I am very spiritual and I do believe in a higher being.
I LOVE this!! I wish you the best and long,happy years to come! 🙂
Thank you baby! I am SO excited to have you join the team. #TeamKeystrokesByKimberly
great post. Wishing you all the best. Happy belated bday. I’m a August baby too. 🙂
Thank you! Happy Birthday as well…