Time to say goodbye to the Blogathon Challenges for June 2013. The next Blogathon will be in January of 2014. Please visit http://www.BiannualBlogathonBash.com for more details. I had a good time. There were 31 mini challenges and 13 were from me. 31/31…How cool is that?!? Of the 13 I contributed I had technical challenges which …
The ART Of Networking For Your Blog
Welcome to one of the Blogathon Challenges for June 2013. For more information on the Blogathon visit http://www.BiannualBlogathonBash.com. The Art of Networking for Blog is a key essential. This will determine how successful you can be or not. Having a blog is just one essential. You must network and create opportunities and buzz for your …
There Is Much Advantage In A Guest Post ~ Take Advantage!
Welcome to one of the Blogathon Challenges for June 2013. For more information on the Blogathon visit http://www.BiannualBlogathonBash.com. Yes, there is much advantage in a guest post whether you are having one on your blog or contributing to another blog. Let’s make YOUR guest post contribution AMAZING. Here is how. 1. Select a trending topic. …
YOU Are YOUR Brand & YOUR Brand Is YOU!
Welcome to one of the Blogathon Challenges for June 2013. For more information on the Blogathon visit http://www.BiannualBlogathonBash.com. Yes, YOU are your BRAND and YOUR BRAND is YOU! It may some cliché as You Are What You Eat and Birds Of A Feather Flock Together however there is much truth in YOU are your BRAND …
The Basics Of Branding Your Blog
Welcome to one of the Blogathon Challenges for June 2013. For more information on the Blogathon visit http://www.BiannualBlogathonBash.com. Let’s talk BRANDING! Branding is more than a buzz word or new trend. Branding is the way in which you define yourself and/or your product. In this case you we are going to look at your blog …
Keystrokes By Kimberly Has A SodaStream Giveaway!
You know how I LOVE to spoil my readers! As such I have scored a Soda Stream giveaway for you. I am SO stoked because when my dear friend Mary Beth introduced me to SodaStream in March it became the next best thing to me since running water and central air! {Smile} I personally purchased …
Great Disney Blog :: www.DisneyDoodah.com
www.DisneyDoodah.com Oh how I wish I still had little one. I would be a Disney Mom and all over this opportunity! My parents took me to Disney from age 3 to 17 and they even let my brother come too. {Smile} I began taking my son from age 5 to 10 and got to be …
#Blogathon2 Is In Full Force ~ Do Want to Join the Fun?
www.biannualblogathonbash.com I am simply having a ball! Okay, so you may know that I am in a Winter Blogathon this weekend and let me tell you it is FUN! Every blogger, no matter how experience, should do this at least once! Tons of fun while meeting others & learning. You have already seen a few …
Kimberly of Keystrokes By Kimberly Has Entered The Blogathon Zone!
www.biannualblogathonbash.com Yay me! I have entered my first blogathon~ Blogathon2013! It started at 8:00 am this morning and will run until 8:00am Monday morning. I am so excited. I love a good challenge and have been ramping up for this for about a week. I have even made to blog pal friends through this challenge. …
{Family Fun Friday} ~ Great Night For A Family Game Night!
Hanging out over Mom’s the other day brought on this post ~ Great Night For A Family Game Night. We could play board games for days in our family. We were blessed to live in a five mile radius of a few cousins and when got started playing games they could literally go on …