Welcome to one of the Blogathon Challenges for June 2013. For more information on the Blogathon visit http://www.BiannualBlogathonBash.com.
Yes, there is much advantage in a guest post whether you are having one on your blog or contributing to another blog. Let’s make YOUR guest post contribution AMAZING. Here is how.
1. Select a trending topic.
2. Research the topic very well. Go beyond the internet for your research.
3. Write around keywords that are very SEO friendly.
4. Write a draft and revise it several times. Remember there is more power in blogging less with facts than blogging more with fluff!
5. Have at least two people proof read it for you. Yes, even if they are not bloggers. 😉
6. Proof read it a final time for yourself.
7. Submit original photos along with your post.
8. Submit your chosen tags.

Now let’s discuss how to receive DYNAMIC guest post for your blog. Here is how.
1. Clearly outline your expectations.
2. Make it clearly if you want specific subject matter. Ex: Relationships, Health etc…
3. Are you accepting topic ideas or actual post first? Be clear on this.
4. Will you accept original post or can they submit post already in circulation?
5. Give a word count. Yes, people need to know this up front.
Here are three great examples of guidelines.
1. http://jubileemag.com/write-for-jubileemag/
2. http://www.forharriet.com/2010/06/submissions.html
3. http://happyblackwoman.com/contribute/
Mini Challenge
Share one site you plan to submit a guest post for and/or share your guidelines for guest posting below.
I don’t have my submissions page up on my blog but I do have rules that I always email people.
It needs to be a relevant topic.
I need to approve it before it goes live.
It must have at least one image.
There must not be any spelling errors.
It must be original content.
I always say minimum 300 words.
Love it!
Love this post! I never considered posting my guest post submission guidelines right on my blog – great idea!
I have submitted, previously, to http://www.wildsister.com – I love that blog! I actually have a guest post coming up within the next few weeks, as well.
Yes, it helps assist with some of the back and forth plus lets them know you are about business. As a blog grows you truly grow to appreciate any and every thing that saves time.
I will be doing a guest post on Barbara Koob’s blog Beautifully Made.
The post will be about hope, dreams and The Four Faces.
I actually just had my first guest post go live!
BEAUTIFUL website! Love it to life. Congratulations on doing your first guest post. 😉 This is your key to SO many opportunities. Bloom where YOU are planted and soar. The opportunities are endless.
Please move your social gadget over. I have done a lot of guest posting lately on other blogs. 🙂 I just posted one last night. These are great suggestions!
Which social gadget?
I need to work on my post for Huffington Post. :/ I was supposed to be a regular contributor, but life got too crazy and I only got 1 finished.
As for accepting guest posts, I usually don’t accept them on my resources blog, but have started having a few outside reviewers, so thanks for the ideas on article submission guidelines! I need to do that.
Actually, one of the things on my blogathon to-do list this weekend was to create a page on my blog to list and showcase my guest posts that I’ve done elsewhere!
Awesome! Regarding the Huffington Post opportunity plan a Huffingto post blogathon for yourself and write a few artcles. Just do not lose that opportunity. 🙂 That is one I desire.
I’d love to submit to Happy Black Woman. And I actually just met Rosetta in person (finally!) yesterday!
You are rocking and rolling! Awesome. How was meeting Rosetta? My Happy Black Woman goal is to submit a series in 2014.
I just had my first guest post (new contributor) at Fulfilling Your Vows. Next one goes live in July. I’ve been hesitant to guest post, but I think I’ll look for more opportunities and give it a go now that I have my first one done.
As for guidelines, I can see the sense in it, so I’ll be adding this to my to do. Thank you for ideas and examples!
Great! Thanks…
I have a section up called A MOMENT With and then titled whoever is doing the Guest Post. I feature a lot of moms with on it but I need to write out the page like you suggest and will work on that this week.
Then I need to do a second section and page for businesses as I love interviewing business owners. I could title it Why I Do What I Do and have a form and guideline on it. Which I have never thought about until I read your article. Thanks for the suggestions.
I do have one lady who writes at least once a month should I give her her own section?
Great! Please share a link when they are ready. As far as your lady I would not do it right now as she is only writing once a month. Now when you get someone who is writing a couple of times a week then revisit this.
I have done one guest post and have another two coming up in July. I just finished writing one of them (a to-do for the blogathon). I love guest posting–both receiving posts and writing them for other sites.
There’s a FB group now for those who want to guest post or want guest posts on their blog and I’ve already arranged several. YAY! Thanks for the post on this!
I am going to guest post for Bliss Habits, and I am working on my post early this week. My guidelines for posting on 31 Days are these: Post must be 250-300 words; must contain at least 2 images (which will be content approved); images should be SEO ready; content of post must be relevant to the general vision of 31 Days Early I Rise, which is both a spiritual and practical way to live a simple, focused and proactive life and all the things and thoughts that help us get there; even the rocky and rough patches. Only original content will be accepted for publication on 31 Days Early I Rise, and while it is not required, it is appreciated if the blogger responds to the comments viewers leave on their authored published posts.
Elizabeth T, Early Rise
You rock! 😉
I actually arranged a couple of guest posting submissions today for:
1. http://www.beingtazim.com/
2. http://creativecynchronicity.com/
3. http://pixiedustsavings.com
4. http://iammegandsocanyou.blogspot.com
5. http://www.divaswithapurpose.com/category/making-a-happy-home/
As for people who guest post on my website, my requirements are fairly simple:
1. The post fit the theme of my blog
2. They include a bio
3. They include a pinnable image
You really got busy today! Congratulations & keep up the synergy.
I am starting a monthly guest post at Inspiration Cafe and I am really excited about it. I did one last year and they liked me so they asked me to be a contributor. So exciting! And in August I will posting at One Though Mother. Thanks for this mini challenge!
Love it! Love how you are shinning.
I just accepted my first guest post a couple of weeks ago!
For me – It has to fit my theme of my site – “Smart solutions for busy moms.”
It can be something previously published, if it’s really good, and I can add some content at the beginning and end.
And I do expect that they’ll do a quick “I was featured on Sunshine and Sippy Cups today – about my xyz topic and advice – here’s a brief teaser – now click through to her site to check it all out!” kind of post, to help us both 🙂
Excellent! I want to guest post with you. Please advise me on your exact guidelines. Thanks!
Great info! I’ve updated my guest posting guidelines to be more concise and specific. I currently accept guest posts for one of my weekly link-ups so this was very timely. My updates included: adding a word count specification, requesting that the post include at least 1 picture (that was theirs to use) relating to their post, and being more specific with my topic requests. I’ve, also, adapted my response to those requesting guest posts in case they don’t have specific guidelines set up so that I can pull more information from them.
Clarity is a BEAUTIFUL thing!
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