Welcome to one of the Blogathon Challenges for June 2013. For more information on the Blogathon visit http://www.BiannualBlogathonBash.com.
Let’s talk BRANDING! Branding is more than a buzz word or new trend. Branding is the way in which you define yourself and/or your product. In this case you we are going to look at your blog as the brand.
1. Do you have a personalized domain name?
2. Do you have a customized email?
3. Do you have a Logo and a Tagline?
4. Do you have a personal Hashtag?
5. Is your name/handle the same across all social media?
6. How would you describe your brand in three sentences or less?
Hopefully you answered YES to all six however if you did not let get it done this weekend.
1. A domain name can be obtained for 99 cents this weekend from GoDaddy.com. Just Google 99 cents domain names or click on this link http://www.godaddy.com/deals2/?gclid=CL2W4P7t8bcCFVEV7Aod3GEA7w&isc=gofa2103hf&ef_id=UaVtqQAAAFlAPB2I:20130620050401:s. The importance of a domain name is HUGE because this sends a message that you are invested in your blog.
2. A customized email address makes YOU and YOUR blog even more DYNAMIC. You want to present a professional image and this is crossing the Ts. Do not let go of your AOL, GMAIL or YAHOO address however make it secondary to your domain’s email address. Ex: Kimberly@KeystrokesByKimberly = WINNING vs [email protected].
3. Logos are a MUST with blogs. They are an expression of what your blog symbolizes. Want to get fancy with it? Add a tagline. Ex: Mine is A Synergy Lifestyle. Yours may be Developing Your Dreams, A Fashion Blog Beyond Measure etc…
4. Have a signature hashtag. My dear friend Candace Reese of Envision Global has one of my favorites. Her is #TheCEOpundit and # CRchoosesJOY. Remember hashtags should be 20 charters or less. My hashtag for my event planning & design company as well as my travel agency is #Breathless because both company names start with breathless. So give it some thought, make it catchy and keep it simple.
5. Make sure your name/handle is the same across all social media. This can get a little tricky with EVERYONE on social media so do your homework. My name for EVERYTHING is KeystrokesByKimberly and/or KeystrokesByKim depending on the amount of characters allowed.
6. This is an essential key in brand development. Think of a 30 to 45 second elevator pitch about your blog. Now answer the following questions. What is it about? How would you describe it? Who is your target audience? What is its purpose? Really think about this. Now wrap it up into two or three sentences. Four sentences max.
Now give me your elevator pitch below in the comment section and provide your blog link.
Well, now you have the basic introduction to branding your blog foundation. I will get more in depth on specific ways to branding further throughout the next thirty days. Until then, stay connected and let me know if you have any questions about basic branding. Tweet me @KeystrokesByKim or let’s discuss on my Facebook Fan page at www.facebook.com/pages/-Keystrokes-By-Kimberly-/431014123606768. I am a PR Professional of 20+ years would love to assist and hear from you!
The Review Chic blog is about natural hair care reviews with a splash of lifestyle tips. It targets those with natural hair a people leading healthy lifestyles. The Review Chic is chalked full of great tips, information, and product reviews for your natural way of life.
Awesome! For a jazzy touch consider something like this. The Review Chic is about natural hair care! We give reviews with a splash of lifestyle tips. Our audience is those who have natural hair or desire it. Our lifestyle tips range from healthy living to ____. Constantly full of GREAT advice we invite you to visit us.
Farmer’s Wife Rambles is about life on 1,200 acres. I focus on posting new recipes, reviews and educational printables for the kids, while showing life at a slower pace 180 miles from a city.
Parsimonious Pash is the lifestyle hotspot you didn’t know about. I bring you specialized information on heath & fitness, everything you could need to know about cats & dogs, and those amazing product reviews & giveaways for a little bit of fun.
I’ve been playing with this new tagline/elevator pitch as I begin to pare down my services:
I work with change makers, trail blazers, impactful leaders and innovators to amplify their mission and message. Through experiential marketing and streamlined back end systems, I help my clients expand their communities and leaving a positive lasting impression. http://www.alaiawilliams.com
Let’s talk about this a little more. Since you wear so many hats introduce yourself first then attached what you do so that they make the Alaia Williams association first. Here is what I came up with. I am Alaia Williams and I develop change makers, trail blazers, impactful leaders and innovators. Simple stated I make you better and the crème de la crème through experiential marketing and streamlined back end systems. Let’s team up and leave a lasting impression. 😉
Great tips. I’m putting this on my Blogging & SM pinterest board. Had never thought of the signature hashtag idea. love it!
My blog is Nightwolf’s Den (http://nightwolfsden.com/) and my elevator pitch is “A little craft, a little parenting & a lot of me.” I blog about crafts (mainly scrapbooking), parenting and my general life.
Hi Caroline ~ I likey! I recommend capitalizing every word in your tagline and signature hashtag.
Author blog: The fantasy novel, The Four Faces, is about the purpose in life. Together with The Four Faces, you and I discover more about our life journey and our purpose.
Getting to know the Bible better
Imagine studying the Bible by landing between the verses and pages of the Bible as if it is a territory to discover. Join the heros and heroines on their quests, adventures and solving puzzles.
A Year of Jubilee Reviews
Family friendly reviews, giveaways and information geared toward home schooling families.
Would this be a tagline? What would I do more for an elevator pitch?
I think I may have already answered this. Did I Melanie?
The only thing I don’t have is my own personalized email. However, with everything I’m signed up to and have my email attached to everything I’m just not sure if it’s worth changing now. =)
Again, another awesome post created for this weekend!
It is. It provides professionalism across the board. Just forward your other emails to the new one.
Minnesota Girl in LA is a MInnesota Girl who has landed herself in the big city of Los Angeles. She loves to talk about events happening around LA, travel, photography, and anything related to wine with the occasional product review thrown in.
Experience is worth marketing. That’s why Tidbits of Experience was born. I share life experiences from our lives and do product reviews and giveaways.
Now to jazz it up a bit consider this. Tidbits of Experience is where we share our lives of experience, product reviews and giveaways. Experience is priceless and we want to gift you ours!
Ideas for living in the moment with your kids.
We blog about ideas for living in the moment with your kids including crafts, activities, tasty treats, and expert parenting advice. We through in some parenting humor and fails along the way.
Hi Jamie ~ Here is what I came up with. Toys In The Dryer presents ideas for living in the moment with your kids. In today’s society of technology we feel it’s vital to get back to the basics regarding crafts, activities, tasty treats, and expert parenting advice. We even have fun with it!
Creative Cynchronicity is all about celebrating the joy, fun, and creativity in every day! Our audience is made up of busy moms who want quick and easy but still meaningful ideas for cooking, crafting, family activities, travel and more! We want to show you how to make some lasting memories with your loved ones.
Not entirely satisfied with my elevator pitch but it’s coming along! Thanks for the great tips!
Nice. This is what I came up with. Creative Cynchronicity is all about celebrating the joy & creativity in every day! Our audience is busy moms who want quick and easy meaningful ideas for cooking, crafting, family activities, travel and beyond! Let us show you how to make some lasting memories.
This weekend, I’m focusing on one of my 2 blogs. I find this whole “branding” thing REALLY hard with my personal blog, but I’m working on it. For now, focusing on my homeschooling website. Some good tips here.
What is the purpose of having a personal hashtag when should it be used?
My elevator pitch:
The Canadian Homeschooler is focused on sharing Canadian materials, curriculum, products, websites, and resources that are relevant and useful to families across the country in their home education journeys.
The signature hashtag is just a nice personal touch when using FB or Twitter.
Wow. This has been great! I set up a free email for [email protected], though I have not posted it on my site. I’m so used to [email protected]! I’ll work on that. I came up with the hashtag of #VirtuallyYours. As I started as a freelance writer, I was told I should have kellystilwell.com as my domain. I could buy a version of Virtually Yours, but don’t know if I want to do that at this point. Thoughts? I know it is a bit of a problem. My main FB page is Kelly Stilwell. I started Virtually Yours on FB, but with over 10K fans on the first one, I just can’t see giving it up, so that is where my focus goes. My tagline is Mom to Teens. Wife to a Rock Star. I’ve been told I need to add a page about the Rock Star so people will understand. He has played music with some pretty popular bands, and it has always been something I have joked about, so I thought I would use it. I do have a Pinterest Board for him 🙂
My elevator pitch: Virtually Yours is about family life in the fast lane. You’ll find travel articles, product reviews, giveaways, and a slice of our crazy life in house with teens. Where’s the coffee?
Looking forward to your feedback!
Love this energy you are giving!
Signature Hashtag ~ Okay I would like to see your signature be #KellStiwell or #Kastilwell under the cirmcumstances. Virtual Yours is already being used by too many people.
FB ~ Now regarding the FB fan page do not change a thing. Just ask people to embrace your other FB page via staus updates on the Kelly Stilwell. Ex: Hey ~ Please like my additional FB Virtual Yours where I share _____. Regarding your tagline I love it however not sure how it truely ties in with your blog. Let me think on this one.
Elevator Pitch ~ Virtually Yours is a jazzy outlook on life in the fast lane & family! We share aspects of travel, product reviews, giveaways & a slice of our crazy life with teens. Welcome to our lane.
1. Already had one.
2. I do now.
3. I have a tagline that I have used for a couple of years now, but no logo. Not sure I need one for my blog, but might need one for my Etsy store once I get it going.
4. Never though about my own hashtag. Do you have to find out if it’s in use? And where all would you use it?
5. I’m either Audra Silva, audramsilva or sassystyle for the most part.
6. “Sometimes quirky, sometimes serious, always real.” I write about faith, marriage, family, home education, creativity, photography, writing, beauty, fitness, music–pretty much everything I love about this amazing life God has given me. I write about good times. I share about hard times. Because life is full of joy and sorrow. Peace and chaos. Beauty and ugliness. I write life.
“I am Meg And So Can You” follows me, Meg as I work on my “30 Before 30” list. I challenge myself to learn and discover new things about myself as I approach this milestone in my own life. I also hope to be in my best shape ever so I can enter 30 fit and fabulous!
Mmmmmm, I suggest something like this ~ Blooming where I am planted I created I am Meg & So Can You! This is a personal discovery journey where I invite you to follow me as I enjoy my 30 before 30 and embrace getting in the BEST shape of my life. I will be 30 fit and fabulous!
Hmm, my comment is gone. 🙁 boo.
Here’s my elevator pitch:
The Canadian Homeschooler is focused on sharing Canadian materials, curriculum, products, websites, etc. that are relevant and useful to families across the country in their home education journeys.
Love it! I would change that to which though. 😉
Mommies POV The Voice of the People through Reviews and Giveaways.
I do not have a personal hashtag but will work on getting one as I am not sure how to make them.
I will set a new email up this week though.
Now on all the sites I was MommiesPointofView as I started on blogger but have moved to wordpress and I am now MommiesPOV.com and I am not sure if I can change the names on Twitter where I am MomsReviews or Facebook but I did on all the other sites including Facebook.
Okay, let’s talk about this.
For your elevator pitch I came up with ~ Mommies POV is THE Voice of Motherhood and shared via Reviews, Giveaways, Experience and Knowledge!
Hashtag ~ #MommiesPOV
Has the new email been established yet? 🙂
Yes, you can change the name on Twitter and keep your same following. Let me know if you need assistance with this. Just make sure to inform your audience a few times via post and tweets.
I have everything except the signature hashtag. Thinking of #celebratelife or #victoriousmoms.
Tagline – Celebrating Books, Family and Life with Rheumatoid Arthtritis…One Small Victory at a Time
My Pitch – Mom’s Small Victories is about celebrating the small victories in our challenging daily lives. You’ll find a positive outlook on dealing with Rheumatoid Arthritis, book and recipe reviews and tips on parenthood and family life. Celebrate your small victories with me!
Thanks for the challenge, I look forward to your feedback!
Hi MY Tanya! How are you? Hope you are well.
For a tagline I love #VictoriousMoms.
Your tagline is GREAT.
Here is what I came up with for your pitch ~ Mom’s Small Victories is about celebrating life and the small victories in our challenging daily lives. We provide a positive outlook on dealing with Rheumatoid Arthritis, book and recipe reviews, tips on parenthood and family life. Celebrate your small victories with me!
Thanks for your feedback Kim! Great challenge, I love the idea of using a signature hashtag and appreciate your help.
“Geek with Style is Aeryn Lynne’s playground to discuss her favourite topics with her like-minded audience, such as: consumer/lifestyle technology, plus size fashion & beauty, and events that happen both online and around Toronto, ON.”
I’ve never thought about creating my own hashtag before… wouldn’t know when I’d need to use one, but I guess it would be #GeekWithStyle
Hi Aeryn ~ Yes, I would agree that your signature hashtag should be #GeekWithStyle. I would use this every time I could. Ex: Twitter post, Facebook post etc…
Here is what I came up with for your elevator pitch ~ Welcome to Geek with Style, Aeryn Lynne’s playground for discussion of her favorite topics with like-minded audiences! We cover the consumer, lifestyle, technology, plus size fashion & beauty, and events which happen online and around Toronto, ON.
Here’s my elevator pitch – My site is all about “Smart Solutions for Busy Moms.” Motherhood is filled with chaos – I share tips, tricks, products, sites, and services that can help solve some of the challenges we all face each day as busy moms. 🙂
Nice! Here is what I came up with ~ Sunshine and Sippy Cups = “Smart Solutions for Busy Moms.” Let’s face it Motherhood is filled with chaos. My gift to you is sharing tips, tricks, products, sites, and services which can assist in solving some of the challenges we all face each day as busy bee moms.
[…] Branding Basics @ Keystrokes by […]
Thanks for the tips and the mini challenge! My mini challenge is complete:
1. ATableForOne.net (saving to buy the .com)
2. WebDiva@(mydomain name dot com)
3. Logo done, “The bastard child of Anthony Bourdain and Bridget Jones”
4. #ATableForOne
5. Separate Twitter, FB pages and Google+ pages, but they need work!
6. I’m a single woman traveling — and living — solo. It occurred to me there are a million “mommy blogs,” but very few blogs for single women who aren’t sitting at home waiting for Prince Charming or watching their biological clock. Consider this the “non-mommy” blog.
Hi Diana ~ Google 99 cents domain name from Go Daddy. You can purchase up to three. Where may I see your logo(s)?
I’m afraid my .com has been bought and is selling for $350. I’ve tried making an offer but they aren’t budging. And unfortunately, I’m pretty set on my title and concept.
My logo is on my site, http://www.atableforone.net
Question ~ Have you ever owned that .com before?
Unfortunately, no. And I went to check on it and it looks like it may have been sold.
But, in the spirit of making lemonade out of lemons, I did find atableforoneplease.com was available. I’d rather have the original, but it looks like it will have to do. I’ve already changed the header/logo on my .net site, my Twitter and FB names, and I’m asking for hostgator to help me transfer not only content/posts but the whole design over to the new domain so it doesn’t become a week long project redoing it from scratch.
I tell myself that by adding the please (and an exclamation point) it implies a little more enthusiasm for being solo — my inspiration for the theme is an article talking about a ridiculous service for women to find other women to dine out with to save them the “embarrassment” of being alone. Because being on your own is a fate worse than death, apparently. Funny, I missed that memo. 😉
You & I both! Lol… I dine & go to the movies alone often. Where was that article?
This WILL be discussed in my about page… once I make one!