Oh how I use to have the biggest dreams this side of the Mississippi. I was way ahead of my time and did not even realize it. I presented so many ideas to so many people of dreams which would have been our meal tickets. Each and every “dream” presented from 1996 to 2007 is alive and doing very well. I just could not get the right people at the right time. Here are two prime examples: The Atlanta Kids Directory and Atlanta Woman Magazine. When I presented the idea of an Atlanta Kids Directory to two “friends” and an attorney back in the 1990’s they seemed interested however said they were not sure if it would work in Atlanta. Well guess what…less than a year later it worked and still works well to this day just not by any of us. In the early 2000’s I had this DYNAMIC idea of Atlanta Woman Magazine since I was running Today’s American Woman so successfully in North Carolina and wanted to return home to Atlanta and do the same thing. Once again I presented the dream. Got everyone finally on board and the current producers/owners of Atlanta Woman Magazine beats us by forty eight hours. The list goes on and on. I have always had the gift of vision. I have always dreamed big. I just wanted to seal the dreams as a team. When I was in my twenty’s I dreamed big and those big dreams came true. Every last one of them as long as I was functioning as one. I understand now.
Even here in Atlanta I have turned my dreams into a vision then into realty. Breathing life back into the Westlake High School PTSA by tripling membership and participation from 2009 to 2011 and so much more. Starting The Art of Speed Networking (I should have trademarked that in 2005 when I first said it and started it) which is use throughout the United States now. Keeping my PR company successfully functioning like a well oiled machine when the industries I served constantly switched gears again and again. Again, the list goes on and on. Each one of those successes did well when I was a solo act. I have to start being a solo act again and focusing strictly on the things which matter the most to me and my circle of trust.

When I reflect back on my dreams every successful one was achieved by my solo seeds, work and actions then I allowed people to come on board and assist. You see my solo energy is more than enough for me. It breathes life into me. When I water my own garden it flourishes. It is when I involve others in any capacity to soon or even at all that I run into avoidable challenges. Oh the avoidable challenges let me count them all. No I am not blaming others. I am not even bitter even though some of them were brutality painful. So if you have noticed I am moving silently and in a solo mode. A back to the basics mindset. If you see me moving silently amidst the noise just know nothing is wrong. Yes, it is odd for me not to be helping others because I am extremely great at it. I have helped so many people flourish and do them very well however it is now my time. Of course I am still a social butterfly just focused on me and mind. I have gone back to my zone and focusing on the things which matter most to me. I have tightened my circle of trust. Dumped all the old baggage. Closed the Tom Foolery shop to the drama Kings and Queens and come to peace with SO many who have intentionally wronged me. I know they will never apologize because in their minds no apology is needed for whatever reason or they really think they have taught me a lesson or gotten away with it. No worries from me. That is worries for them and the laws of the universe as known as Karma.
So in closing yes I no longer have dreams because now they are simply goals to become missions accomplished. Please share a 2014 goal you would like to accomplish. In the words of Trinidad James “Don’t Believe Me… Just Watch!”