Oh my… Not sure how I feel about this one. I think a HAPPY 20TH would have been more respected and in line with your awesome brand. America already LOVES you! You do not have to go to theses lengths. According to Mashable http://mashable.com/2013/07/24/chipotle-faked-twitter-hack/?utm_cid=mash-com-fb-main-link the stunt worked and got @ChipoteleTweets 4,000 + new followers! The entire “event” was a publicity stunt aka a promotional campaign in celebration of its 20th anniversary. The hoopla of it all was to kick off a 20 day treasure hunt titled Adventurito.
Adventurito.com is a campaign which every day at 10:20 p.m. ET for the first nineteen days will release a trivia question on Adventurrito.com, and players will be entered to win free burritos for one year (one burrito a week for 52 weeks). Twenty winners will be chosen randomly each day. On the twentieth day, Chipotle will release a final puzzle, and the first twenty players to answer the last puzzle correctly will be awarded free burritos until 2033.