I want to say THANK YOU to all the service men and women who helped protect us on September 11, 2001 and every day afterward. You are valued and appreciated beyond measure. THANK YOU to each citizen who responded from wherever they were. You too are appreciated. I clearly remember “that” day. I was living …
BLM Experience Of REALationships Atlanta Event Rock!
Bloggers Like Me {BLM} held multiple events at the same time on Saturday, August 31st in Atlanta GA, Los Angeles CA, New York NY and the DMV {DC, Maryland & Virginia} area. I had the pleasure of hosting the Atlanta event and meeting some BEAUTIFUL ladies! Talk about some warm spirits and GREAT SYNERGY!!!!! These …
I Just LOVE New Beginnings ~ Happy September!
Happy September to YOU! I just LOVE new beginnings!!! Everything starts a new at some point or another. With today being September 1st I have been reflecting on all my new beginnings in the pipeline. Some personal, some spiritual, some business, some parentally, some physical and the list goes on yet they are all new …
but God Series :: The JMH Leap of Faith by Julie M. Holloway
(an excerpt from The Entrepreneur Within You, Volume 1) In 2011, at age 34, I finally realized that my dreams for JMH Art + Design Studio were truly sheltered and locked within me. The ‘dream’ was slowly fading further and further away while my mental state was as well. For years I blamed my boss …
But God… :: A Series Introduction From Keystrokes By Kimberly
Question: What is a “but God” moment? My Answer: The moment(s) that you ask why, how or if God is real. Wow… These “but God” moments have been heavy on my heart for twenty years. My serious adult “but God” moments began when I was twenty two years old and diagnosed with cancer seven months …
Kimberly Wright Is THE Birthday Lady Of The Day!
Yes, I am REALLY big on birthdays and well TODAY is mine! I view MY birthday as MY HAPPY NEW YEAR in celebration of being FAVORED enough to celebrate another year of life. Quick HAPPY BIRTHDAYS to all my fellow birthday buddies! Believe it or not I know nine people who share this day with …
Join Me For Yoga In The Park!
Yoga has become my chosen passion of exercise. I desperately wanted to get physically involved in the Black Girls Run movement yet was unable to for physical reasons. Therefore, I sought out an exercise routine I could do regular and successfully. No, can’t, giving up and failure are not options for me. Do not believe …
Day 20 ~ Living Agelessly
Yes, I am ageless and time less. Today’s lesson is Living Agelessly. Key points I have taken from today’s lesson are as follows: • As we engage in activities that bring us joy and choose to live from an open-heart awareness, we approach our lives with a new, positive perspective and truly live agelessly. • …
Day 19 ~ Living Optimism
Yes, my life unfolds in divine order. Today’s lesson is Living Optimism. Key points I have taken from today’s lesson are as follows: • We become what we believe. Our thoughts and words have GREAT powers over us. • By fostering an inner dialogue that is most nurturing to us, we support the clear vision …