(an excerpt from The Entrepreneur Within You, Volume 1)

In 2011, at age 34, I finally realized that my dreams for JMH Art + Design Studio were truly sheltered and locked within me. The ‘dream’ was slowly fading further and further away while my mental state was as well. For years I blamed my boss at the horrible job for captivating my dream to become a designer full time. However, I finally came to truth and realization that it was me I was afraid of. I allowed myself to be stuck in that situation because I did not have the strength to take the plunge! It is a process to become a self-made entrepreneur and even more so, to decide to leave a career behind you. My goal is simply to share the experiences of how I overcame and to encourage others to follow suit.

Julie TwoRewind.

    About four years ago I found myself unemployed due to layoffs, so I sat home and taught myself graphic design with a $50 piece of software purchased from Craigslist! Soon thereafter, I was offered a position once again as an administrative assistant. For the next three years, I was truly dragged and driven through a pile of mud. Although today I may often wish I had never taken that job, I am grateful because it ultimately led me to true entrepreneurship.

    After 3 years, I found myself frozen in an absolute state of confusion. My boss berated me on a regular and continual basis, he embarrassed me in staff meetings, he often called me out on having minimal amounts of common sense and he told me I hadn’t done a thing since I started there three years prior except design ‘pretty well.’ He also told me I was easily replaceable. He told me I helped others on my team too much, he told me I took on too many responsibilities and he told me I didn’t even deserve the ‘cost of living’ adjustment on my three year review. This was the ultimate end of the road for what I had called my ‘job’ for three years. That day, I told my husband that I was quitting and that I would be submitting six-weeks’ notice. Hubby agreed that I did not deserve to be treated in such a way and that we’d have to move on.

    Julie One

    As I sat there debilitated for hours at my desk with the intent to write a 10-page paper for my marketing course, I asked myself these questions:

    • How did I get this far off the artistic track?
    • Why is it that when I quit art school the year after high school, did I not pursue a career in ‘the arts.’
    • Why have I designed hundreds of logos for ‘other people’s dreams,’ while not fully and wholeheartedly pursuing my own?

    In the midst of yet again, another absolute panic attack, I was finally able to answer all those questions.
    “Only I have the key to unlock that treasure of mine called ‘The entrepreneur within.’”
    That day, I experienced a feeling of inner peace that really was just a compilation of all the things I needed to believe would be ok if I took a stand. It was my time.

    My prayers were answered and my dreams came true all at once. I cleaned myself up, straightened up my face, hurried up and renamed my new business, and transitioned from JMH Art + Design Studio to JMH Creative Solutions.

    The new business would launch on 11.1.11 and, it DID!

    The Entrepreneur Within

About Author

Keystrokes By Kimberly is a synergy lifestyle blog which focuses on how to live a positive lifestyle. We cover every aspect of living a positive life from health, events, wealth, happiness, entertainment, travel and then some. www.KeystrokesByKimberly.com.

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