Showing: 1 - 10 of 33 RESULTS
Culture Events Inspo Relationships Spirituality The Arts

Congratulations To Sarah Jakes On Her Engagement!

This post contains affiliate links. I will be compensated should you decide to make a purchase after clicking on any below links. Thank you for being a loyal reader. Shouting CONGRATULATIONS to Sarah Jakes! She is engaged to Toure Roberts of One Church International. So happy for her. They make a nice couple. I had …

Business Culture Education Events Food & Drink Health & Beauty Home Decor Home Life Inspo Relationships Spirituality The Arts Travel

Happiest Of Februarys!

Happiest of Februarys to you! I just adore February. It is the shortest month of the year however it is HUGE with all the LOVE and history in the air. For the month of February I have so much to share. I will be posting multiple times Monday through Friday and at least once a …

Business Culture Education Inspo Relationships Spirituality

but God Series :: Being Uncommon Is All That I Know…

Life is SO funny and I thank goodness for my gift of being uncommon. Uncommon is a gift which comes naturally for me! Through all of life’s good times and bad times I have remained uncommon which has completely been for my better. Not always my best but my better. Everyone has their dresses to …

Culture Events Home Life Inspo Relationships The Arts

Father’s Day Is Here ~ Check Out The Four Seasons Hotel In Atanta

Hi Lovely Ladies & Gentlemen, Father’s Day is THIS SUNDAY and I would LOVE to see us do it up BIG for the Father’s and Father figures in our lives. Take time out to make our men feel appreciated and honored. Happy Father’s Day Weekend! Here is a GREAT option at the Four Seasons Hotel …