Share with us who Attorney Kendrick is and what she is passionate about it.
I am the daughter of two Georgia entrepreneurs who was born and raised in Georgia, specifically in Decatur GA. I am passionate about helping business owners receive the competent legal counsel they deserve at the price they can afford so they can make sure they stay “IN business and OUT of Court” through customized services which focus on their business and their industry.
What are some need to know things you have learned as entrepreneur?
As an entrepreneur I have learned you must know yourself AND your competition. What makes you UNIQUE or BETTER than your competition and sell that and downplay your weaknesses. You can do a short SWOT analysis every quarter to reassess your weaknesses and skills.
What are some upcoming events of yours which may interest us?
We have an Open House scheduled for October 1st to the 3rd from 8 am to 6 pm. This three day Open House is designed to be convenient for prospects to “drop by” and see the new location and learn about our services as well as other service providers. There will be light refreshments and an opportunity to meet Staff. We accept drop ins yet we are encouraging people to sign up at www.kendricklaw.net for their guaranteed, personal tours.
What are your dessert island essentials?
Phone, electricity, family and a Bible. Oh! And all the cows I can eat because I like medium rare steak. LOL
What is your typical day like?
4:30 am rising and on social media, administrative work until 7 am, exercise and back at desk at 8:30 am, more admin work until 10 am, on the phones with clients and follow ups from 10 am to 12 pm, break from 12 pm to1:30 pm, more work until 3 pm, tea at 3 pm, working until 6 pm and probably networking or time with family.
Where did you attend law school?
UGA Law (Class of 2007)
Who is you ideal client?
A savvy Georgia business owner who understands the need for vital business AND legal services from their attorney and appreciates our mission statement of keeping them “IN business and OUT of Court”. Usually these are established businesses (3 years or more) in the consulting, healthcare, or IT field with revenues of $250,000 or more.
Anything else you would like to share with us?
KLP is moving to a new office space and YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS FRIENDS ARE INVITED to attend our Open House on Tuesday, October 1st through Thursday, October 3rd from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Please visit www.kendricklaw.net to sign up for your personal tour! To help us make it successful, I need your help by inviting our business contacts you have!
~ First, we want to provide you with a PERSONALIZED TOUR for you and your business associates so please sign up for a tour as soon as possible as spaces are limited (www.kendricklaw.net);
~ Second, BRING YOUR QUESTIONS about our legal services (not legal advice) as you will have a private meeting with Attorney Kendrick.
~ Third, don’t worry about snacking because REFRESHMENTS WILL BE PROVIDED during your short visit to view the new law office.
~ Fourth, bring a briefcase as we will have PLENTY OF INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS SERVICE PROVIDERS.
You can always reach me at the office at (678) 739-8109. Thank you for your time and I hope to see you soon!
Hi, just wanted to mention, I loved this blog post.
It was inspiring. Keep on posting!
Thanks! More GREAT post on the blog weekly. Come back and see us.