Well, I am now in month fourteen of my fourteen month journey and I am so grateful for this journey! Very grateful. I have experienced a lot and yes, learned a lot. I guess now I can give this journey a title ~ Designing My Purpose! Yes, Designing My Purpose because that is exactly what I have done and accomplished. I am grateful for the challenges, struggles, victories and success. They have made me even better than before and just added further strength to MY story of MY glory!

You often have heard me state “If you only knew my story…” and “Beauty for my ashes…” and “This too shall pass…” and “I did not know my own strength…” which soon I will began to share exactly what those mean to me and to tell my stories. People often hear of my health challenges and ask “So when is the book coming?” and I truly do not have an answer nor a good response because the book(s) should have been written a million times over. Then I put the hardest questions to myself during my private time and ask the Who, What, When, Where and Why which leads to so many other stories which need to be shared to help others and lighten my load. This load gets REALLY heavy often and I find myself running from myself because I cannot believe how I have let people get away with murder regarding me. Hmph… People know me or know of me for so many different reasons, seasons, things, gossips or truths however no one and I do mean no one actually knows my truths and that is what I plan to share from now till at least 2025 because they are MY stories to share! I have a lot to say and share and since I have been designing my purpose, letting go, reorganizing my life and creating my new peace. Once again I finally know the why and how to proceed accordingly in all aspects of my life.
So I cannot wait till January 2015 when the big reveal begins to happen! It will be epic and phenomenal at the same damn time! Do not believe me? Just watch! I am so looking forward to moving in purpose and silence.