Sunrise ~ July 18th, 1918.
Sunset ~ December 5th, 2013.
Whew… This right here has literally broken my heart today. This GIANT of a man was responsible for so much good in this world. I will never forget all the work he did for the better even after being in prison for twenty seven years. His experience educated me so much on the workings of South Africa as well as the United States.
It is going to take a minute for me to get it together and do a much deserved tribute to him however feel free to visit my Pinterest board {} in his honor until then. Rest In Paradise Mr. Mandela. Rest In Paradise. Mission accomplished and job finely done.
The emotion you feel at this time is evident in this piece. I liked reading your initial raw reaction to Mr. Mandela’s passing.
It is still hard to swallow. Never met him personally but feel as though I KNOW and … I will do my tribute post soon.
Great post. He was a tremendous spirit.