Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Should you decide to purchase anything after clicking on the link I will be compensated for sharing. The legendary Type-A Conference is headed to Atlanta, Ga Friday, September 19th through Sunday, September 21st. This has been branded the world’s largest conference for Moms and Dads who blog! This will …
Why Turn It Tuesday Welcomes Your Blog Post!
Welcome to the 47th week of Turn It Up Tuesday! Let me share why I do this every Tuesday. Turn It Tuesday is a great way to make sure your blog post get great traffic and to share a lot of good stuff. Every week like clockwork we get more submission than the week before …
Let’s Do Week 46 Of Turn It Up Tuesday!
Welcome to the 46th week of Turn It Up Tuesday! Thanks so much to everyone that joins us each week and makes this blog hop the best that it could be! Welcome our August team… As you may know, Turn It Up Tuesdays is all about being happy, excited, energetic…and having fun! Link up your …

Five Reasons Why The Bronner Brothers Show Is Legendary!
I have been hearing about and attending the Bronner Brothers show since I was knee high to a grasshopper. As an Atlanta native that is just part of the Atlanta fabric and I celebrate them. The Bronner Brothers Show is truly legendary. It is filled with rich culture, lots of history and grand ideas. Now …
Hey Good People Welcome to the 45th week of Turn It Up Tuesday!
Thanks so much to everyone that joins us each week and makes this blog hop the best that it could be! This is the last week for our July sponsor and guest hosts – so please stop by and show them some love!! We’ll be introducing some new guest hosts and a new sponsor next …
Let’s Attend Blogalicious & #BeGreat Together!
After watching all the BlogHer excitement last week I feel renewed on a personal and professional level. Blogging conferences have a way of doing that to you in ways unimaginable. Although I did not get to attend BlogHer in person I followed the tweets nonstop from Thursday to Saturday and the advice, guidance and speakers …
Congratulations To Sarah Jakes On Her Engagement!
This post contains affiliate links. I will be compensated should you decide to make a purchase after clicking on any below links. Thank you for being a loyal reader. Shouting CONGRATULATIONS to Sarah Jakes! She is engaged to Toure Roberts of One Church International. So happy for her. They make a nice couple. I had …
Let’s Do Turn It Up Tuesday Like Never Before!
Welcome to the 43rd week of Turn It Up Tuesday! Thanks so much to everyone that joins us each week and makes this blog hop the best that it could be! As you may know, Turn It Up Tuesdays is all about being happy, excited, energetic…and having fun! Link up your favorite posts and meet …
Rocking Out Turn It Up Tuesday!
Welcome to the 42nd week of Turn It Up Tuesday! Hope you all had a Happy 4th of July!!! We received some amazing 4th of July-inspired posts and summer-inspired posts – they were all so much fun to read! Thanks! Thanks so much to everyone that joins us each week and makes this blog hop …
Celebrate The 20th Anniversary Of Essence Fest With Me!
Yes, I am headed to Essence Fest for the second time and could not be more excited! Please enjoy the festival through my eyes by following me on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram! Also, the following hashtags will be red hot #Essence #EssenceFest #NoLA #NewOrleans #NolaCrawl & #BourbonStreet to name a few. Oh and you might …