I have been hearing about and attending the Bronner Brothers show since I was knee high to a grasshopper. As an Atlanta native that is just part of the Atlanta fabric and I celebrate them. The Bronner Brothers Show is truly legendary. It is filled with rich culture, lots of history and grand ideas. Now is it’s sixty seventh year the Bronner Bros show has evolved beyond imagination. Each show, year, decade and then some delivers more. Here are seven reasons why the Bronner Show is legendary and always will be.

1. Kim Kimble said it BEST at today’s show. The key to success in our industry is to be the first, the best or the only. Well, she is absolutely right and often along the Bronner Brothers journey they have been the first, the best and the only.

2. The Bronner Bros. Enterprise is one of the largest private African American hair, skin care and nails producers in the United States. Considering all that came before them and all the African American hair companies which compete with them this is pretty impressive. Not many African American families own and run companies which have a proven success pattern which runs as deep as the Bronners. Although they are widely known for hair and skin care they have a roster of so many other business such as Ark of Salvation Church, Upscale Magazine, Word of Faith Worship Center and so much more!
3. The Bronner Family has built an empire and legacy to be reckoned with. As a native I have seen them build individually and collectly. They shine separately and together.
4. They are constantly keeping up with the times. In a sea of hair shows they realized that in order to relevant and take things higher they need to create and all new show while taking things back to their beginning so they brought Sabrina McKenzie on board to create the change.
5. New beginnings have always been a great success for the Bronner Family and family. Let’s take a look at some photographs from today’s show.
It has truly been an honor to be selected as an “official” Bronner Brother’s blogger and social media influencer for this show. Please continue to follow us on Instagram – Bronner Brother & Keystrokes By Kimberly, Twitter – Bronner Brothers & Keystrokes By Kimberly and Facebook – Bronner Brothers & Keystrokes By Kimberly.