What is a “but God” moment?

My Answer:
The moment(s) that you ask why, how or if God is real.

~ but God Series by Keystrokes By Kimberly & Others ~ Photo Credit: Found On The Web Through A Google Search
~ but God Series by Keystrokes By Kimberly & Others ~
Photo Credit: Found On The Web Through A Google Search

Wow… These “but God” moments have been heavy on my heart for twenty years. My serious adult “but God” moments began when I was twenty two years old and diagnosed with cancer seven months into motherhood and finishing up my college degree. So, I am very pleased to introduce this “but God” series revolving around a collection of moments which lead you to thinking or saying… “but God”. We all have had them whether we believe in God or not. The series begins today on Wednesday, August 21st. Why today? Well, I will get into that later during the series however remember this date.

This series has GREAT potential to be extremely POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE as people from all walks of life share their “but God” moments. Please note this is not a Bible thumping series by far, however it is a spiritual series no matter what your belief. The response to share “but God” moments has been unbelievable! Unbelievable I say. When I posted the call for submissions on Monday the response was AMAZING. I had thirty seven emails in the first hour from people asking if they could contribute! 😉 WE have a lot to share and I am SO grateful for the open and honest voices I have heard from.

~ Something BIG Is Happening ~
~ Something BIG Is Happening ~

Whew…this series right here, my first blog series, REALLY leaves you saying “but God”. Smh… I thought I had some “but God” moments however then I heard from some of you! I have smiled, laughed, cried, believed, not believed, questioned, prayed, meditated, screamed, clapped, connected, lost myself, found myself, lost myself again, and became a spiritual soul on a whole new level! However, through it ALL and I do mean through it all I have and will continue to STAND tall through the valleys of life. Yes, I know there are more to come because life happens and the inevitable is what it is however I AM STILL STANDING and STANDING STRONG! I often lean on Donnie McClurkin’s two songs which move me the most ~ Stand and We Fall Down, But We Get Up and when those two songs just are not enough for my soul I come even stronger with Tamala Mann’s Take Me To The King and Whitney Houston’s I Didn’t Know My Know My Own Strength.

Donnie McClurkin ~ Stand ~ Compliments of YouTube

Tamala Mann ~ Take Me To The King ~ Compliments of YouTube

Whitney Houston On The Oprah Show ~ I Didn’t Know My Own Strength ~ Compliments

Whitney Houston ~ I Didn’t Know My Own Strength ~ Compliments of YouTube

My journeys have turned into my story of strength. I am an extremely tough cookie! Built to endure things beyond imagination and reason. Things that world have broken 99.9% of the people did NOT break me despite spitefulness and the devil’s hand. I smile very often because it is from the joy of my strength to overcome many obstacles. Some were painful, very painful and unwarranted. Yet some were pure delight to experience, be challenged by and overcome. If you only knew my TRUE STORY OF VICTORIES OVER THE ENEMIES and REAL LIFE “but God” moments you would be amazed at how I survived and continue to thrive. Yes, I said that! 😉

With that being said I hope to see you here on the blog every Wednesday as I share a “but God” moment from myself or someone else. Again, please accept this invitation to have your work considered for this series. If interested email me at [email protected]. Make it a better than FANTASTIC day!


About Author

Keystrokes By Kimberly is a synergy lifestyle blog which focuses on how to live a positive lifestyle. We cover every aspect of living a positive life from health, events, wealth, happiness, entertainment, travel and then some.

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