This Sister right here is a true gem through and through. I met “Mel”, as we affectionately call her, during my days at Bennett College and it was a connection at first site. I LOVE HER SO MUCH. We have countless memories together from the last Aggie Fest ever to our own apartment that wild summer to our fight against cancer. She is my Bennett Sister and my cancer survivor sister. Mel is kicking cancers butt. It is her third go round with this monster however I know she will win again. She has a village surrounding her constantly. Please enjoy some memories of Mel and her fight. She is also a Queen that will never quit.

February 4th is observed as WORLD CANCER DAY to unite the world in the fight against this terrible disease by raising awareness, educating the public, and lobbying for a change. We all have experience it whether ourselves or through a friend or parent or spouse etc… We all get it CANCER SUCKS. All cancer sucks and it seems like everyone’s circle is being victimized by this ugly disease. So please educate yourself and your circle. Improve your eating and living lifestyle. Loving your family and friends to life while they are here with us.
Thank you for sharing this person story! Cancer really does suck and I’m sending my prayers your way and for Mel! She can beat it again
Thanks Laura!
Cancer has touched so many people in my life. Glad to see someone fighting hard!
Go Mel! I loved your post so inspiring. My blog partner lost her battle with cancer in March of 2013. I hate cancer and hope everyone kicks it
Hi Laura! Mel is a true GEM in many ways…
S.I.P. my beautiful cousin you are truly an Angel!!!!
She was my college roommate one summer and friend for almost 25 years. I remember Rekel introducing us in the fall of 90. She was a very kind spirit.