I just LOVE May!
It is such a GREAT month to me. This is the month I first became a Mom on Mother’s Day! It has always been dear to me. It offers so many celebrations and happy moments from graduation to Mother’s Day to Memorial Day to awards ceremony to the start of wedding and travel season and the kick off to summer! I just LOVE May.
It truly is a special month. It is the month of…
Date Your Mate Month
Foster Care Month
National Barbecue Month
National Bike Month
National Blood Pressure Month
National Hamburger Month
National Photograph Month
National Recommitment Month
National Salad Month
Older Americans Month
This May I want to celebrate and in #31DaysOfHAPPY! What is 31 days of Happy? It is my created occasion to be HAPPY all of May! We can do it. Our official hashtag will be #31DaysOfHAPPY. You can visit my blog every day for daily motivation. It will be my first post of the day. Are you accepting OUR challenge? Of course you are. See you every day for #31DaysOfHAPPY