This SO true! A validation to your desire for success. So go for it! Do things differently whether they are done entirely different or better than before. Make It Happen as your gift to you. Start by doing the following: Creating a vision board to be displayed daily in your personal space. Get a poster …
Save The Tatas ~ Breast Cancer Awareness Month
{ } Myths The Breast Cancer Myth Finding a lump in your breast means you have breast cancer. The Truth Only a small percentage of breast lumps turn out to be cancer. But if you discover a persistent lump in your breast or notice any changes in breast tissue, it should never be ignored. It …
Four Things Which Can Never Be Recovered
There is a profound message above. Yes, there are four things which can NEVER be recovered. ~ The STONE after it’s THROWN. Do not be SO delusional as to throw stones at someone or someone’s wood house as you pretend you have room to JUDGE with regard to your glass house. YOUR house is not …
Happy 20th Anniversary President & First Lady Obama!
On behalf of Keystrokes By Kimberly and family we would like to wish President & First Lady Obama a Happy 20th Anniversary! You are STILL STANDING and doing it very well! #StillStanding #Love #Forever&Always