Grateful for another year of life! 41 years young TODAY. They are truly appreciated & I am grateful to each of YOU. Last year this time I was beginning a NEW chapter in my life & was SO elated!!!!
~ My only child was being drop off at Young Harris College to soar.
~ I was beyond the first year of dating the Man of My Dreams {Who turned out to be my BIGGEST Judas} ~ A Birthday Twin & we were doing OUR thing well!
~ Life was good & I had accomplished SO many goals both BIG & small.
Then four months later things started to change and I was faced with a series of journeys which made me want to skip this great NEW chapter.   I am talking journeys which I would have NEVER thought nor imagined I would be faced with.  Just straight DRAMA you hear me! Drama which could be the next Atlanta reality show & actually be REAL DRAMA with the highest ratings of all times drama. Drama which left me looking for the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY & HOW!?!?! Overall I feel like I handled it with the grace of a lady yet there were times I was mad as hell to put it mildly and the reaction was…  Anyway, I will ALWAYS be grateful for my journeys. They showed me these five things:
1) The devil is ALWAYS waiting in the wings & comes in so many forms!
2) Trust your gut feeling. It REALLY knows.
3) Sometimes you REALLY have to let go and let GOD before you are ready!
5) I AM A SURVIVOR ALL DAY, EVERYDAY. I refuse to give up or give out.
I have SO much more to do with my dash of August 12th to now. So to put it simply ~ this past year I became the caterpillar in isolation which is turning into a Beautiful Butterfly once AGAIN and I plan to spread my wings like NEVER before! Muah…

About Author

Keystrokes By Kimberly is a synergy lifestyle blog which focuses on how to live a positive lifestyle. We cover every aspect of living a positive life from health, events, wealth, happiness, entertainment, travel and then some.

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