Conference season is in full swing and reflections have been flying via newsletters, email and social media. These reflections have awaken me like you would not believe. I have fallen off my game something terrible. Life has happened to me since moving back to my hometown of Atlanta in 2004. It is not the Atlanta I grew up in and I honestly do not like this Atlanta and how the implants have been allowed to adjust or recreate here yet I digress. Trust me on that and I will break it down in a future post later. Any who as I have been reading the conference shares from BlogHer and other recent conferences I really had to check myself. I am not performing as I should be and I really had to face my why and come up with my how and tunnel vision focus. When I moved back to Atlanta in 2004 I went back to a basic way of life working in my family’s law firm and doing my Public Relations business in addition too. Then I went full time into my own world and actually did well until I had a stroke in 2007. That is when my world changed and it became a method of just surviving from 2007 to really 2013.
Well, Michelle Garrett of Divas With A Purpose recently wrote an article titled Never Stop Pushing Forward. THIS was perfect timing because it illuminated a light bulb moment in me. I am always reflecting on Dr.Maya Angelou saying of “Surviving is important . Thriving is elegant.” and it is truly time for me to get off the pot and thrive. You know the saying crap or get of the pot! Well, it is really time for me to get off the pot and thrive while shining brightly. Not sure how I will actually do it but it is definitely time. Michelle’s article jogged my memory especially this part “A lot of the time this feeling isn’t even that obvious. It’s the kind of thing that can slowly sneak up on you over time. Or perhaps it’s something that just gently nags at the corner of your mind, never quite significant enough for you to really notice unless you’re paying very close attention.” I must have read it that over and over. Michelle is so right! Those three lines say a lot of what I realized and they resonated with me beyond belief .
I believe in moving in silence . This is a priceless lesson I learned the hard way so I will not go into full details however from this post forward I am apologizing to myself out loud and in writing because it is new day for me going forward.
Onward and upward,
Why am I JUST seeing this?!? I’m looking forward to the great things in store for Kimberly. You’re building on the successes you’ve already established and continuing to move upward and onward. So proud of you!