www.biannualblogathonbash.com Yay me! I have entered my first blogathon~ Blogathon2013! It started at 8:00 am this morning and will run until 8:00am Monday morning. I am so excited. I love a good challenge and have been ramping up for this for about a week. I have even made to blog pal friends through this challenge. …
{Foundation Friday} ~ The Chris Draft Family Foundation
www.ChrisDraft.Org The Chris Draft Family Foundation became near and dear to my heart back in the Winter of 2011 when Chris & Keisha Draft shared with the world their challenges with Keisha fighting Stage 4 Lung Cancer. Keisha lost her battle exactly one month after their wedding and Chris continues the fight through Team …
{Repost} Keystrokes By Kimberly Has A Blog Series For 2013!
We are so excited and pleased to announce we will present a blog series in 2013. What kind of blog series? A series on How To Become A Blogger, Branding & Marketing Your Blog, Social Media & Public Outreach For Your Blog, True Success In The Blogging World and more. Yes, we have all this …
The Art of Eye Threading
Yes, it is an art to eye threading. When I first had my eyebrows threaded in 2004 it was the most painfully thing I had ever done! Lol… Yes, more painfully than child birth it’s self with no blessing at the end. {Smile} My friend Asha was laughing at me because I would not allow …
Hi Butterflies! THANK YOU so much for your support on this journey! As many of you know I have been blogging for almost a year now and you all have been so kind during my journey I just had to say THANK YOU. Please continue to support me as I take Keystrokes By Kimberly …
Is It Time To Kiss AOL, Hotmail & Yahoo Good Bye?
While enjoying this beautiful Atlanta weather and having lunch with a friend we pondered the question of “Is it time to kiss AOL, Hotmail & Yahoo goodbye?” Now we both have Gmail accounts but are hanging on to our AOL, Hotmail and Yahoo accounts. I personally do not have a valid reason for doing so …
Something BIG Is Happening
Life is SO funny to me at times. It has the highs and lows, the promises and broken promises, celebrations and disappointments. Yet EVERY time I think it is becoming steady I am GIVEN a beautiful surprise or earn beautiful surprises. Let me tell you SOMETHING BIG IS HAPPENING for me personally and professionally and …