Loving today’s feature of Ainsley Cooper living out loud! Ainsley has been living out loud since I met her back in the 80’s. Her free spirit is awesome and always has been. I met her in high school and have been a fan every since. Let’s see how Ainsley lives out loud.

1. What is your perspective on life?
Such a deep question. I guess, my perspective is, life is about learning experiences and opportunities…so pay attention AND enjoy the ride!
2. Where do you find your JOY?
In all honesty…it depends on the day and my mood. However, my constant is my relationship with God. He adores me, I adore Him, we’re cool like that.
3. How do you spend your quality time?
With family & friends, listening to music, dancing, reading, journaling, decorating my new home, exercising, spending time with my nieces, outdoors appreciating nature, the list goes on…
4. What is your personal mantra?
“A day without laughter is a day wasted” — Charlie Chaplin
5. What story would you like to share?
I most always receive JOY giving to others. I especially love to surprise my Mother with special gifts or treats. For her 70th birthday I took her to New York City. We stayed in an apartment I rented for two and a half weeks. We took our time and explored various neighborhoods, shops, restaurants, live music venues, etc. She says it’s the best time she’s ever had in her life and it showed all over her smiling face from beginning to end. That trip and experience brought me so much JOY and we created memories we’ll JOYfully reflect on forever.
6. What is your favorite vacation destination?
I enjoy travel to both busy/bustling cities as well as to relaxed locations. That said, for a true & restful vacation, I’m good anywhere there’s a nice and not overly populated beach. The sound of the ocean combined with my toes in the sand…there’s nothing better…okay, adding a rum cocktail does make it better, lol
7. If you could have a moment of joy with any celebrity or public figure who would that be?
Gosh, this is a tough one…but I don’t want to over think it. I’m going to say, Sheila E. I’ve loved her since I was a kid. She is incredibly talented and seems really down to earth. I get the sense we’d have a suuuuuuper fun GNO!
I wanted to say that I am enjoying reading the Living Out Loud Series. It is nice to read how others answer these questions. And it also makes me look at how I truly see my life.
Me too! I am L O V I N G it! Please continue to read as they all do not have the same questions. 😉