Who said Turn It Up Tuesday could turn two years old? We all did and especially Natasha! Wow! Congratulations to all. I am just tickled pink that we are two years up. Let’s celebrate grand style and make this the BIGGEST link up yet.
Time to start the party with us at Turn It Up Tuesday! Last week was an amazing 100th week, and we’d like to thank each and every one of you for celebrating with us and embracing the new look and the new giveaway! And make sure to keep stopping by, linking up, and sharing your amazing posts with us here on Turn It Up Tuesday!
Turn It Up Tuesdays is all about being happy, excited, energetic…and having fun! Link up your favorite posts (old or new) and meet some awesome bloggers in return! Link up your funny stories, DIY posts, recipes, mommy moments — anything at all. We want to laugh, be entertained, be inspired, and have a good time!
Thanks so much to everyone that joins us each week and makes this link party the best that it could be!
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Are you looking to get your blog or website in front of numerous people per week? Do you enjoy Turn It Up Tuesdays? Interested in having your blog or website featured for an entire month? Then, sponsor Turn It Up Tuesday for a month by clicking here!
Welcome the lovely ladies of Turn It Up Tuesday!
(from the top – left to right)
Natasha from Epic Mommy Adventures | Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings | Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise | April from April Noelle | Tina from The Happy Creations | Tiffany from MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter | Cindy from Mom Maven | Melissa from The Coupon Chronicles | Kelly from Making-More | Silvie from My Silly Little Gang | Mari from Living in Mommywood | Tenns from Bliss & Faith | Kimberly from Being a Wordsmith | Nancy from Afro-Chic Mompreneur | Kimberly from Keystrokes by Kimberly | Kelly from Mum-bo-Jumbo | Elaine from Ramblings of a Bad Domestic Goddess | Zografia from Bisozozo | Ginger from Does Your Sister Have Normal Hair | Free from Couponin Diva | Kori from Just Another Mom | Minnie from The Country Cooking Queen’s Weight loss and healthy eathing blog | Amy from Confessions of a Ninja Mom | Bev from Eclectic Red Barn | Dawn from Pretty Shabby UK | Anuja from All I Do
And welcome our awesome guest hosts for August!
(from the top – left to right)
Dina from Savvy in the Kitchen | Jennifer from MomTricks | Leanne from The Transplanted Southerner | Jennice from Mommy in Color | Tina from Kidz Activities
– not pictured –
Miranda from A July Dreamer | Sarah from Living Intentionally Simple | Vicki from Five Spot Green Living
Interested in being a guest host for the month or becoming a permanent co-host?
Complete the form here! Monthly guest hosts will be chosen on a first come first-serve basis.
Here are the Featured posts from last week!
Silvie chose Bacon Parmesan Soft Pretzels from That Recipe. “I chose this recipe because it sounds absolutely delicious! My boys love pretzels and this would be a great treat for them.”
Silvie chose Cucumber Mint Martini from Lipgloss and Crayons. “I love martinis and this one sounds refreshing. I can’t wait to try it.”
Silvie chose Bag “Seatbelt” Clips for the Car from Little Miss Dexterous. “Where has this idea been?! I am always having to pick up the things that fall out of my bag in the car. These bag clips look easy to make and very useful!”
Natasha also chose this post. “I just love this simple idea! I am always picking up items that I find on the passenger side floor after my purse or bags falls onto the floor. This would be a such a great way to prevent it from happening. Great idea!”
Cathy chose Peanut Butter Cup Dump Cake from Typically Simple. “OMG! This looks delicious! What isn’t there to love about a peanut butter and chocolate dessert that is quick and easy?”
Stacey also chose this post. “This looks absolutely divine and so easy! It would be a great starter recipe for any beginning baker or homeschool lesson! Thank you for sharing!”
Cathy chose Salted Caramel Sour Cream Banana Muffins from Treat Yourself Sweeter. “My hubby is going to love these!”
Dawn chose Fun Fall Pumpkins and a Sweet Black Cat from Crafty in Crosby. “I love Halloween, and these easy to make decorations are too sweet.”
Dawn chose DIY Wooden Sign from Lou Lou Girls. “I love this sign and the dinosaur room looks amazing.”
Dawn chose How To Use Lavender To Make Your Life Better from our very own Elaine from Ramblings of a (Bad) Domestic Goddess. “I love all things Lavender… This is an amazing all round plant.”
Kelly chose Car Crafts for Preschoolers from this month’s guest host, Tina from Kidz Activities. “My son is obsessed with cars and these ideas are so easy and simple! I can’t wait to make some of these projects with my son.”
Kelly chose Six on Saturday: New Uses for Dishwashing Soap from Inspiration for Moms. “These tips for using dishwashing soap are great! Who knew it can be used to remove grease from clothing? I’ll definitely be using these tips!”
Kelly chose The Perfect Pie Crust from Budget Girl. “Homemade pie crust has long been a nemesis of mine! These tips – especially about the different melting temperatures – are bound to make my next pie crust perfect!”
Amy chose 10 Things You Do Differently When You Have a Second Child from Fun Money Mom. “This post sums up perfectly how differently things are when you become a second time mom. This is a must read for all parents that have more than one child. I promise, it will have you LOL the entire post.”
Amy chose DIY Dinosaur Dig Busy Board from Lou Lou Girls. “I love this creative DIY dinosaur dig board. My son is super in to dinosaurs and excavation kits. This would make a fun and less messy activity for him still involving a lot of the same things he loves about dinosaur exploration. Very inspiring!”
Bev chose Snickers Stuffed Peanut Butter Cookies from The Gold Lining Girl. “So wonderful to be able to give a party for her Grandma’s 90th birthday. These cookies are so tempting, I want some now.”
Bev chose Painted Wood Tub Planter and Watering Can with Free Printables from Redo It Yourself Inspirations. “Love the green and blue colors together on these planter and watering can. What a great way to give them new life.”
Tina also chose this post. “I love these creations.What a beautiful planter and watering can. Thanks for sharing.”
Mari chose Chalkboard Paint Ideas for the Home from Marty’s Musings. “I loved Marty’s Chalk share because it’s so creative and you can have tons of fun. I have a pack of colored chalk always handy at home lol”
Mari chose Making Friends: Qualities We Want in Our Friends from Tiny Tots Adventures. “This post I enjoyed because friendships are so important for well rounded development and even as we get older it’s great to keep these things in mind so that we always have good, uplifting people around us.”
Cindy chose Waffle Omelet Recipe from Growing Up Gabel. “This is a creative way to get more use out of your waffle maker. I need to dig mine out of storage and start making this protein packed breakfast!”
Cindy chose 101 Handmade Days: DIY Notebook Cover from Busy Being Jennifer. “I literally live by my composition notebooks. I use them to manage all 5 of my businesses and my church stuff. I would love to have color-coded, pretty removeable covers to dress up my boring notebooks. I love this so much I shared it on Facebook and asked my sewing friends/family to make them for me…maybe mom will whip some up for me for Christmas!”
Leanne chose Updated Fall Mason Jar Vases from Anything & Everything DIY Blog. “I love these simple but beautiful deocrations for fall. The step by step tips were great!”
Leanne chose Lemon Cheesecake Zucchini Muffins from Best of Long Island and Central Florida. “Healthy AND Yummy! I’ve added these to my recipe stash – I can see these being snapped up by my family!”
Leanne chose Constitution Day Mini Puzzle Unit {freebie} from In All You Do. “Learning about the Constitution is so important, and these fun printables will make it easy to add in to our homeschool.”
Natasha also chose this post. “This is a great freebie! I am trying to work with my son to take advantage of some learning at home to better prepare him for kindergarten. These printables are definitely simple, and will be great to use! Thanks for sharing!”
Stacey chose Telling Your Kids You Are Stressed Can Be A Good Thing! from our guest host this month, Leanne from The Transplanted Southerner. “Great post! My kids have definitely seen a meltdown or two, and they have been able to see the resolution of things working themselves out. It also allows them to see real life situations that are often a part of life. Thank you so much for sharing!”
Stacey chose Halloween Series #4 – front windows from MamaMIA. “I love Halloween, it is our family’s favorite holiday! I love the look of this decor, especially the tissue paper, which gives it such a wonderful glow! Thank you for sharing!”
Tina chose Coastal Decor DIY Hurricane Candle Holder from Cupcakes and Crinoline. “A simple and beautiful candle holder.Easy to make and elegant. Thanks for sharings.”
The post with the most views is Why Are We Spending Money On Something We Can Get For Free? from My Stay at Home Adventures.
Stop by and show some love to our featured bloggers this week! I’m sure they’d all appreciate it!
If you were featured above, feel free to share the badge below with pride on your blog or website!

And the Best of the Best goes to…
Peanut Butter Cup Dump Cake from Typically Simple
Lemon Cheesecake Zucchini Muffins from Best of Long Island and Central Florida
Show some love to our Best of the Best bloggers this week!!!!
Best of the Best Bloggers – make sure to showcase the button below on your blog!

Our Turn It Up Tuesday 100th post Giveaway continues this week! Be sure to enter to win!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
So now that you’ve seen our changes for our 100th post, met our Sponsor for the month, our hosts and guest hosts, our Featured, the Best of the Best, and entered to win the $100 Paypal cash giveaway,
let’s get started!
– Show some love to your hosts and co-hosts simply by following them on social media and leaving a comment so they can follow you back. – Link up as many posts as you’d like! The more, the merrier! – Check out some of the other posts and make some new friends! – Grab the button below and showcase on your sidebar! Invite your fellow bloggers to join the fun!

Link up your posts, make some friends, and earn the chance to be featured or become the Best of the Best on Turn It Up Tuesday! We will feature the favorite posts each week! **Disclaimer: Adding your link to this link party gives permission to Epic Mommy Adventures, along with co-hosts, guest hosts, and participants of Turn It Up Tuesday, to share your posts and pictures via social media and as features, roundups, etc. with an explicit link back to the original source.**
Interested in reading all of our favorite posts on Turn It Up Tuesdays – past or present? Or do want to know if your post was featured before we go live next week? Follow Natasha Peter’s board Featured on Turn It Up Tuesdays! on Pinterest.