Events The Arts Workshops & Seminars

ATLA Children’s Theatre Company Is Launching A Summer Workshop

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kimberly Wright @678.632.2564 [email protected] INNOVATIVE CHILDREN’S THEATRE COMPANY LAUNCHING SUMMER WORKSHOP IN EAST POINT ATLANTA, GA APRIL 20, 2015 – ATLA THEATRE COMPANY, a new and emerging non-profit organization, is launching its children’s theatre workshop on the campus of Christ Lutheran Church located at 2719 DeLowe Drive in East Point, GA. …

Business Education Events Workshops & Seminars

Presenting The 11th Annual Spelman Women Of Color Conference

This conference is near and dear to me. As a Spelhouse baby, my mother graduated from Spelman and my father graduated from Morehouse, I have a deep love for everything Spelman College, Morehouse College, the Atlanta University Center and Bennett College. I attended the 9th conference and it was a game changer for me. Ms. …