
So I just move in silence these days. When you see something from me or for me it is usually a done deal. Life just works in favor for me when I move in that manner. In January I was approached about acquiring this website from Seemed fair enough to me. Read through everything. Meditated about it. Choose between North Carolina and Georgia. Then placed my John Hancock on the dotted line. After all I had run my own website for four years and I knew my Public Relations background would be a plus.

Well, two months later I have not looked back and LOVE the fact this was a blessing. I am simply having a ball. East Atlanta Macaroni Kid is my new baby and I am so grateful for her. She has enlightened me to life in East Atlanta and given me a family audience. I share everything positive that is happening in East Atlanta from events to contest to reviews to organic articles. I have even grown the number of subscribers by 150%. Yes! Such a wonderful experience. Please take a look around the site. Get to know East Atlanta better by following me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. Join in a discussion. Comment on a post. Subscribe to the weekly newsletter. Do whatever tickles your fancy. I just want to welcome you and hear from you!


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About Author

Keystrokes By Kimberly is a synergy lifestyle blog which focuses on how to live a positive lifestyle. We cover every aspect of living a positive life from health, events, wealth, happiness, entertainment, travel and then some.

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