Thank you for reading the blog. I find this totally interesting for many reasons but mostly because I absolutely do not like Selfies. I have a strong belief that adults should not take Selfies for any reason. Either take a picture like we did back in the day or not however Selfies are way too much self-indulgence for me. So you will not get thirty one days of Selfies from me however they may be a photograph or two of me actively engaging in an activity that I am sharing. For March I have been challenged to share thirty one posts about myself and share a post every weekday. I accepted this challenge and here is my first post of ten things about Kimberly.
1. I LOVE a sunrise and sunset! Love it I say. Both sooth my soul and in my eyes represent a peaceful beginning and end to each day.
2. I read two books a week. One book Monday through Thursday and another one Friday through Sunday. I plan to read a hundred books by December 31st.
3. I have to have sunlight or bright lights in my life every day. Light is the key to my energy and creativeness.
4. I love numerology and think it is a key essential to understanding the who and why to life.
5. I had plans to be a mother of four. I wanted four sons all three years apart.
6. I wish I had stayed true to my dream of becoming a professional ballerina and performing for Alvin Ailey and studying at Julliard.
7. I have experienced true love twice in my life. Those two men where my soul mates. Our timing was just off however not our love, passion or intention.
8. I love to travel and my traveling bucket list is sixty two items long! Yes, sixty two.
9. I am a multi-passionate network however I truly enjoy time alone and silence.
10. My Godmother Marie is my BEST advocate and truly understands more about me than any other person on this earth. She gets me.
Well, there you have it! Ten interesting things about Kimberly. Please share two interesting things about you.