Dominique Lanoise, the star of “600-Pound Mom: Race Against Time” quietly passed in March of 2012. Lanoise was a 41 year old daughter, sister, niece, relative, friend and single mother of six. Lanoise passed from complications due to her weight of 625 pounds and her addictions to Haitian food. Now by no means am I judging her because I honestly do not judge however I sincerely wish that someone…anyone could have helped could have helped her. Often people just need cheerleaders or motivators in their life to accomplish that one life changing goal. When I read this story I could not help but think if Oprah or Will Smith could have helped with this if they had known. They have done it in the past. Check the facts.
More importantly my heart immediately went out to her six children. Is there something(s) in place to care for them financially and health wise to ensure their success? Life is too short. Let’s keep them in our thoughts.
Just watched this episode and wanted to say what great children Dominique had in her life. I dont know exactly who will be reading this but hopefully those wonderful girls will see it. This is to them..
I am also a mother of girls. Two beautiful, loving girls. 25 and 29. I know how a mother loves. It is the strongest and purist love of all. Its amazing. And to be so fortunate as to have the girls that your mother did was the best gift in life she could have had. Just as strong and pure as the mothers love for them. And for all mothers, i want to say thank you for being there for her and taking care of her. She had a hard struggle with her weight and you were all there. I didnt even know of your mom till tonight. But i do know that you made her time here on earth so much easier and more tolerable. You did good. And now you must go on with your life as she would have wanted for you. Never doubt for a second if what you did for her was enough. Never look back and think ” i should have…..”. Because it was enough and you can be proud of yourselves. Smile when you think of her because she ‘is’ at peace , im sure.
Thank Jan… She is at peace now I believe.
Wonderful words! I do wish the girls success and wonder where they are?
Yes, I do as well!
Just saw the rerun on this (obviously) as it is several years since the original aired, and wanted to see how her children are, then came across this blog. Although, i feel sad as her outcome wasn’t good, I actually know Dr. Rabaza and Dr Hernandez well as they did my weight loss surgery back in 1999. Which was done very harshly. I was one of the first 25! Dominique had it easy, as I had 10 days in the hospital with a nasogastric tube, a 17 inch incision and although I have kept a lot of weight off, some slowly has crept back on over time. Oprah nor Will Smith could NOT save Dominique and implying such is a bit ludicrous. She had many fine physicians and mentors practically hand reading her, and I, in reading this wondering why you would think it. Was this a race motivated comment? When is all this labeling going to stop? Dominique was a person. Period. Her Dr’s was qualified. Period. No Oprah or Will Smith would have made a bit of difference if she wasn’t motivated herself.
I do hope that Dominique didn’t suffer and that her children are well. I am sure that she loved them. Unfortunately, sometimes, food addictions are as bad as drug addictions. May she be RIP.
Hi Renee,
Thank you for your reality. My reference regarding Oprah or Will Smith was not and is not ludicrous. Google the people they have helped lose weight and you will see the reasoning behind my statement. They have helped several people lose hundreds of pounds through motivation and more so please do not come at me until you have given me the benefit of doing some research as I have.
The documentary about Dominique Lanoise was shown on UK TV last night. It was the first I knew of her. I was very moved by the whole tragedy of her life and all its implications. Comments on this site include the recognition of food addiction being as dangerous as drug addiction. This has long been known. Why then was did the medical approach not take that into account? Surely if she had been ‘detoxed’ under strict supervision with full emotional/psychological support, she could have got through this. Sadly too late for Dominique but many lessons to learn for the treatment of existing and future sufferers. I hope they are.
Last night I watched the documentary on Dominique Lanoise, 6th May 2019. I can’t believe I never heard of this gorgeous lady before, especially as I had bariatric surgery in January 2010 and was researching at that time. Plus one of my own daughters is called Dominique!
Dominique is at peace now but what became of her beautiful, precious children. Has there been a documentary that the UK has not watched yet? RIP Dominique and fly with the angels xx
God bless her children, the 6 girls who fought hard to care for their Mum