Welcome to quarter two! Seasons have changed, the quarter has changed and the month has changed. So let me ask you… Have you changed? I hope so. We all need to strive to be better. Better than we were yesterday and better than will be tomorrow. So let’s set professional goals as well as personal …
Celebrate December ~ An Update To My 14th Month Journey
Celebrate December with all that you have! That’s right celebrate everything and everyone who brought you JOY in 2013. We all have something worthy of celebration no matter how big or small. I am thirty two days in on my four hundred and twenty six day journey and it is bringing me JOY. JOY beyond …
Our Blogaversary & My Happy New Year Is Coming!
Happy August to YOU! Wow… August already. Summers just are not long enough. Lol… I think they should begin on May 1st and conclude on the first Monday after September 11th. We could all use the LOVE. After all summers are the BEST. Our Blogaverasy is on Monday, August 12th, my 21st Birthday AGAIN. …