Well HELLO MAY and hello to you my friends!
I have been rocking and rolling since January and it feels GREAT. My 14th month journey taught me so much and I am still learning. The most valuable part of that journey was learning how to stay focus no matter what. I have been passionately purposeful ever since. Fabulous focused and all about teaching people how to treat me or totally disconnecting from them no matter who they are or what the relationship.
I am purposefully occupied and will continue to be. No more time for the time snatchers, users or attention seekers. You see I have a very clear purpose for all aspects of my life. I have a personal and professional agenda and purpose for both. I prioritize according to both of those and I still respect my time. I am very thorough. I do believe in following up and following through. I stake my character on it. When I say I will do something consider it done. This is FOCUS. If it appears as if I am acting shady or too busy it is simply because I have shifted. Stay FOCUSED! Enjoy your May.