Welcome to quarter two! Seasons have changed, the quarter has changed and the month has changed. So let me ask you… Have you changed? I hope so. We all need to strive to be better. Better than we were yesterday and better than will be tomorrow. So let’s set professional goals as well as personal …
Congratulations Mayor Reed & Sara-Elizabeth Langford
Congratulations is in order for Mayor Reed of Atlanta and his fiancée Ms. Sara-Elizabeth Langford. The couple recently became engaged in the Bahamas and are expecting their first child. I wish them the best that life has to offer.

I Am Screaming I Survived THE STROKE Seven Years Ago Today!
I am screaming I survived THE STROKE seven years ago today! I am SO grateful to be here with my son, family and friends. Seven years ago to this date I had a massive stroke in my sleep due to undiagnosed diabetes. Three weeks prior to the stroke I had sent out a mass email …
My World Cancer Day Is Shining A Light On Melody Whitaker Hall!
This Sister right here is a true gem through and through. I met “Mel”, as we affectionately call her, during my days at Bennett College and it was a connection at first site. I LOVE HER SO MUCH. We have countless memories together from the last Aggie Fest ever to our own apartment that wild …
My World Cancer Day Is Dedicated To Dee Dee M Cocheta!
My World Cancer Day Is Dedicated To Dee Dee M Cocheta. Dee Dee fought an awesome fight. She fought cancer with all she had and then some. Rest In Paradise Queen. She fought such an awesome fight from beginning to the last breath here on earth. I remember the first time I met her at …
Happiest Of Februarys!
Happiest of Februarys to you! I just adore February. It is the shortest month of the year however it is HUGE with all the LOVE and history in the air. For the month of February I have so much to share. I will be posting multiple times Monday through Friday and at least once a …
Kimberly’s Fourteen Month Journey Check In ~ Month Three
I am grateful to share I have been rocking and rolling in this fourteen month journey! Yay… So grateful. Smiling from ear to ear when I realize I am just on month three. The journey has had many attempted distractions yet I have managed to be as strong as a horse with blinders on to …
This Is The Year I Stop To Smell The Roses… Again
Yes, this is the year I stop to smell the roses again and I could not be happier. 2013 was good to me however I was tying up some interesting loose ends from the past few years and now I am ready to enjoy 2014 like no other year prior. So again I say … …