Follow my blog with Bloglovin Well, I am now in month fourteen of my fourteen month journey and I am so grateful for this journey! Very grateful. I have experienced a lot and yes, learned a lot. I guess now I can give this journey a title ~ Designing My Purpose! Yes, Designing My Purpose … Invites Us!
Disclosure: The links in this post contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. Yes! Camille Styles is inviting us to join her of to join her and for an evening of entertainment, style and a book signing. I simply adore her …
Yes, I Lost My Blogging Voice…
Yes, I lost my blogging voice. Not sure if I gave it away, laid it down somewhere or never truly had it however I am not sad. Nope, no sadness here. You see I was never a mommy blogger even though I have a child. Never was really a review blogger because most review opportunities …
Our Blogaversary & My Happy New Year Is Coming!
Happy August to YOU! Wow… August already. Summers just are not long enough. Lol… I think they should begin on May 1st and conclude on the first Monday after September 11th. We could all use the LOVE. After all summers are the BEST. 😉 Our Blogaverasy is on Monday, August 12th, my 21st Birthday AGAIN. …