Showing: 41 - 50 of 62 RESULTS
Culture Events Inspo Spirituality The Arts Uncategorized

Kimberly Wright Is THE Birthday Lady Of The Day!

Yes, I am REALLY big on birthdays and well TODAY is mine! I view MY birthday as MY HAPPY NEW YEAR in celebration of being FAVORED enough to celebrate another year of life. Quick HAPPY BIRTHDAYS to all my fellow birthday buddies! Believe it or not I know nine people who share this day with …

Culture Events Health & Beauty

You Are Invited To Keystrokes By Kimberly’s Bevello Bombshell Bash!

I am ready! Are YOU? My bevello Bombshell Bash is THIS THURSDAY! I am SO stoked. It is not too late to register. Please do so by Tuesday at 5pm. Click here to formally register so we may prepare for LOVING you! Wednesday on the blog bevello will be featured so stay tuned.

Business Contests, Coupons & Giveaways Education Inspo Workshops & Seminars

Goodbye To The Blogathon Challenges For June 2013

Time to say goodbye to the Blogathon Challenges for June 2013. The next Blogathon will be in January of 2014. Please visit for more details. I had a good time. There were 31 mini challenges and 13 were from me. 31/31…How cool is that?!? Of the 13 I contributed I had technical challenges which …


13 Things Your Blog Should Have

Welcome to one of the Blogathon Challenges for June 2013. For more information on the Blogathon visit Is your blog performing the way you desire? Visually appealing and well-polished blogs get more traffic. Blogs which engage the readers once they arrive get more interaction. Let’s see if you have these 13 things. 1. ARCHIVES …

Events Workshops & Seminars

Keystrokes By Kimberly & I Are In THE Blogathon Bash This Weekend!

Yay me! I am in another Blogathon this weekend and oh my has Keystrokes By Kimberly grown and jumped in in a very BIG way. Grateful for the growth. I LOVE the Blogathon Bashes. For more information on the Blogathon visit For Keystrokes By Kimberly they are the MOST fun and you grow SO …

Business Culture Education Events Food & Drink Home Decor Inspo The Arts Workshops & Seminars

Talking With Tami Says ~ Blogger Is The New Entrepreneur!

Yes she did AND she was right! Blogger is the new entrepreneur and I am grateful to be one. I had SO much fun at her luncheon today! I learned some further knowledge and had a chance to place a few faces with names regarding the BLM Girls (Bloggers Like Me). The luncheon was full …