Showing: 11 - 15 of 15 RESULTS
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Goodbye To The Blogathon Challenges For June 2013

Time to say goodbye to the Blogathon Challenges for June 2013. The next Blogathon will be in January of 2014. Please visit for more details. I had a good time. There were 31 mini challenges and 13 were from me. 31/31…How cool is that?!? Of the 13 I contributed I had technical challenges which …


13 Things Your Blog Should Have

Welcome to one of the Blogathon Challenges for June 2013. For more information on the Blogathon visit Is your blog performing the way you desire? Visually appealing and well-polished blogs get more traffic. Blogs which engage the readers once they arrive get more interaction. Let’s see if you have these 13 things. 1. ARCHIVES …